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鲁迅美术学院中国画学院院长、教授,研究生导师。国家高层次人才特殊支持计划领军人才,国家“万人计划”教学名师,享受XXX特殊津贴专家。中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,辽宁省美术家协会副主席,辽宁湖社书画研究会会长,辽宁省欧美同学会·辽宁留学人员联谊会常务理事。出版专著、主编教材、发表论文 40 余部。作品多次参加全国美展及国内外重要展览、获奖,并被国家级博物馆、美术馆收藏。
Zhao Baoping, styled Sanshi, is also known by his literary name Master of Mount Tianzhu, Master of Mount Handao Studio, Master of Ji'xu Studio, and Master of Seven-bamboo Studio. His ancestral home is in Pingdu, Shandong province.
He was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province in 1960. In July, 1984 he graduated from Chinese Painting Department, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, and got his Bachelor of Arts. In July, 1987 he graduated from Chinese Painting Department, LAFA, and got his Master of Arts.
He is Dean of Chinese Painting College, LAFA, professor, and graduate student supervisor. He is one of the leading talents of national high-level talents special support program, famous teacher of national “Ten Thousand People Plan”, specialist enjoying special allowance from the State Council. He is a member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, vice chairman of Liaoning Artists Association, president of Liaoning Hushe Painting and Calligraphy Research Society, executive member of the council managing director of Liaoning WRSA & Overseas Students' Sodality. He has been editor in chief of the teaching materials, published monographs and papers altogether over 40. His works have been on display for many times in National Fine Arts Exhibitions, important exhibitions home and abroad, won prizes, and been collected by national museums and art galleries.
- 中文
- English
1984年 | Chinese painting Oceanic Flower was selected into The 6th National Exhibition of Fine Arts;
1984年 | 中国画《海花》入选第六届全国美展;
1986年 | January, attending Cross-cultural Science Comparative Study Team held by China Cultural Institute;
August, attending Cultural Science Study Team held by China Cultural Institute; |
1986年 | 1月,参加中国文化书院举办的“中外文化比较研究班”;
8月,参加中国文化书院举办的“文化科学研究班”; |
1987年 | Article The Spirit of Calligraphy Art published on the 4th edition, Meiyuan Journal;
1987年 | 论文“书法艺术之精神”发表于《美苑》第4期;
1991年 | Chinese painting Fighting Back Home (cooperate) won the Silver Prize of Chinese Painting Exhibition in Memory of the 60th Anniversary of 9·18 Event;
1991年 | 中国画《打回老家去》(合作)获“纪念九·一八事变60周年中国画展”银奖;
1994年 | Chinese painting The Leisure River of Yeau was selected into The 8th National Exhibition of Fine Arts;
1994年 | 中国画《悠悠叶尔乌河》入选第八届全国美展;
1997-2000年 | 任鲁迅美术学院中国画系副主任;
应日本福冈教育大学邀请以客座研究员身份前去进行书法艺术交流与研究; |
1997-2000年 | Holding the post of Deputy Director of Chinese Painting Department, LAFA;
At the invitation of FuoKo Educational University in Japan, having Calligraphy art communication and study as a visiting professor; |
1999年 | Holding the post of Dean of Chinese Painting Department, LAFA;
Collection of Calligraphic Tao Works by Zhao Baoping compiled and published by Japan · Calligraphic Tao Study Seminar; Collection of Drawings by Zhao Baoping, Collection of Sketches by Zhao Baoping (jointly published by China Fine Art Publication Group, People's Fine Art Publishing House and Liaoning Fine Art Publishing House); Chinese painting The Everlasting Glory (cooperate) won the Special Prize of the Artistic Exhibition Odes to Chinese Everlasting Glory in a Hundred Years, and was collected by China Military Museum; |
1999年 | 任鲁迅美术学院中国画系主任;
《赵宝平书道作品集》日本·书道研究一穗会编集、发行; 《赵宝平素描集》、《赵宝平速写集》(中国美术出版总社、人民美术出版社、辽宁美术出版社联合出版); 中国画《英烈千秋》(合作)获“百年中华英烈颂”艺术大展特别奖,由中国人民革命军事博物馆收藏; |
2002年 | Creating the Calligraphy Specialty in Chinese Painting Department, and serving concurrently as the Director of Calligraphy Specialty, taking charge of the teaching affairs;
2002年 | 创建中国画系书法专业,兼任书法专业主任、教学主持;
2004年 | As one of the hosts of research results, his project Establishing and Reforming Results of Chinese Landscape Painting Specialty won the First Prize of the Provincial Teaching Achievements issued by Liaoning Provincial Education Bureau, and Teaching Course of Chinese Landscape Painting Specialty was awarded Provincial Quality Course;
2004年 | 作为研究成果主持人之一,其项目《中国山水画专业教学建设、改革成果》获得辽宁省教育厅颁发的省级教学成果一等奖,《中国山水画专业教学课程》被评为省级精品课;
2005年 | Calligraphy works Happiness attending 2005 International;
Sep.2005-Aug.2006, at the invitation of the Director of the National Modern Art Gallery of South Korea, and the recommendation of China Artists Association, attending Asian Artists Fellowship Program held by the National Modern Art Gallery, South Korea of one year's duration; October, holding Zhao Baoping Art Lecture in Cang Dong Creation Studio of Fine Arts in the National Modern Art Gallery, South Korea, with the theme: the Artistic Spirit of Chinese Ink Painting; Holding A Spiritual Tour · The Artistic Practice of Professor Zhao Baoping in the National Modern Art Gallery, South Korea; As one of the hosts of research results, his project Establishing and Reforming Results of Chinese Landscape Painting Specialty won the Second Prize of National Teaching Achievements issued by Ministry of Education of PRC; |
2005年 | 书法作品《欢》参加韩国“2005世界书艺全北双年展”;
9月-2006年8月,应韩国国立现代美术馆馆长的邀请和中国美术家协会推荐,参加了韩国国立现代美术馆主办的“亚洲艺术家邀请项目”(Asian Artists Fellowship Program),为期一年; 10月,在韩国国立现代美术馆苍洞艺术创作工作室举办了赵宝平艺术讲座,主题:“中国水墨画的艺术精神”; 在韩国国立现代美术馆举办“心游·赵宝平艺术实践展”; 作为研究成果主持人之一,其项目《中国山水画专业教学建设、改革成果》获***教育部颁发的XXX教学成果二等奖; |
2006年 | A Spiritual Tour · The Artistic Practice of Professor Zhao Baoping 2006 (published by People's Fine Art Publishing House);
March, Holding A Spiritual Tour · The Artistic Practice of Professor Zhao Baoping in the National Modern Art Gallery, South Korea; Holding Zhao Baoping Chinese Painting & Calligraphic Art Exhibition in the National Modern Art Gallery and South Korea·China Cultural Institution, South Korea; |
2006年 | 《心游·赵宝平艺术实践2006》(人民美术出版社出版);
3月,韩国国立现代美术馆主办“心游· 赵宝平艺术实践展”; 韩国国立现代美术馆与韩国·中国文化院举办“赵宝平书画艺术展”; |
2007年 | Chinese painting Books was selected into the 3rd National Chinese Paintings Exhibition;
2007年 | 中国画《书》入选“第三届全国中国画展”;
2008年 | Attending 2008 the Yi Learning Seminar of Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits;
Chinese painting Thinking to Lives Ⅱ attending 2008 International Biennial Exhibition in Pusan, South Korea; |
2008年 | 参加“2008海峡两岸易学文化研讨会”;
中国画《生命思维2》参加“2008韩国釜山国际双年展”; |
2009年 | Chinese painting Landscape after Raining was selected into the 11th National Fine Arts Works Exhibition;
2009年 | 中国画《雨霁山水图》入选“第十一届全国美术作品展”;
2011年 | Chinese painting Spiritual Encounter Gao Qipei was collected by Liaoning Art Gallery;
2011年 | 中国画《神遇高其佩》由辽宁美术馆收藏;
2012年 | Chinese Calligraphy & Painting and Visual Communication was awarded 2012 Liaoning Provincial Quality Course for Postgraduates;
2012年 | 《中国书画与视觉传达》被评为2012年辽宁省研究生精品课程;
2013年 | Chinese painting Human, River and Sky was collected by Liaoning Provincial Museum;
2013年 | 中国画《人远江天图》由辽宁省博物馆收藏;
2014年 | Chinese ink landscape The last Snow in Spring was collected by Dalian Museum;
March, holding The Way of Sincere --- Zhao Baoping Chinese Painting & Calligraphic Art Exhibition at Liaoning Museum, and part of his works were collected by Liaoning Museum; April, holding The Way of Sincere --- Zhao Baoping Teaching Creation Research Exhibition at the gallery of LAFA, and part of his works were collected by the gallery of LAFA; |
2014年 | 水墨山水画《春留残雪》由大连博物馆收藏;
3月,在辽宁省博物馆举办“至诚之道——赵宝平书画艺术展”,部分作品由辽宁省博物馆收藏; 4月,在鲁迅美术学院美术馆举办“至诚之道——赵宝平教学创作研究展”,部分作品由鲁迅美术学院美术馆收藏; |
2015年 | Awarded by Liaoning Education Department as one of the 11th Famous Undergraduate Teachers of Liaoning general institutes of higher education;
Elected as executive member of the council managing director of Liaoning WRSA & Overseas Students' Sodality; |
2015年 | 被辽宁省教育厅评为“第十一届辽宁省普通高等学校本科教学名师”;
当选为辽宁省欧美同学会·辽宁留学人员联谊会常务理事; |
2016年 | Chinese Calligraphy & Painting and Visual Communication was awarded again 2012 Liaoning Provincial Quality Course for Postgraduates;
As the first Chinese artist and educator funded by EU Erasmus+ project, he was invited to world-famous art institution --- Glasgow Academy of Fine Arts, UK, proceeding Advanced Visiting Teaching, and was exclusively interviewed and reported by the BBC Television of UK; |
2016年 | 《中国书画与视觉传达》再次被评为2012年辽宁省研究生精品课程;
作为首位受欧盟Erasmus+ 项目资助的中国艺术家、教育家,受邀到世界著名艺术学府—英国格拉斯哥美术学院进行“高级访问教学”,英国BBC电视台进行了独家专访与报道; |
2017年 | Establishing Chinese Painting College of LAFA, and holding the post of Dean of Chinese Painting College, LAFA;
2017年 | 成立鲁迅美术学院中国画学院,任鲁迅美术学院中国画学院院长;
2018年 | Selected as one of The Leading Talents of National High-level Talents Special Support Program;
Awarded by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China as one of the 3rd group of famous teachers of national "Ten Thousand People Plan"; Regarded as a 2017 splendid achievement of first-class disciplines in Liaoning institutions of higher learning that he was awarded as one of the famous teachers of national "Ten Thousand People Plan"; Exploration of Overseas Talent Training Mode on Chinese Calligraphy & Painting and Visual Communication was approved High-level Innovation Team Overseas Training Program by Liaoning Education Department; |
2018年 | 入选“国家高层次人才特殊支持计划领军人才”;
被***教育部评为第三批国家“万人计划”教学名师; 入选国家“万人计划”教学名师被认定为辽宁省高等学校一流学科2017年度重大标志性成果; 《中国书画与视觉传达海外人才培养模式探究》获“辽宁省教育厅高水平创新团队国(境)外培养项目”立项; |
2019年 | Awarded by the State Council of the People's Republic of China specialist enjoying special allowance from the State Council;
Awarded second grade professor; |
2019年 | 被******评为享受政府特殊津贴专家;
被评为二级教授; |
Selected as one of The Leading Talents of National High-level Talents Special Support Program;
Awarded by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China as one of the 3rd group of famous teachers of national "Ten Thousand People Plan";
- 中文
- English
- 2012年《中国画形式美教学研究与实践》(项目负责人之一)获2012年辽宁省普通高等教育本科教学成果奖二等奖;
- 2009年中国画《雨霁山水图》入选“第十一届全国美术作品展”;
- 2008年中国画《生命思维2》参加“2008韩国釜山国际双年展”;
- 2007年中国画《书》入选“第三届全国中国画展”;
- 2005年作为重要学术研究成果第二主持人,其项目《中国山水画专业教学建设、改革成果》获***教育部颁发的XXX教学成果二等奖(此奖在中国高等美术院校中为最高奖);
书法作品《欢》参加韩国“2005世界书艺全北双年展”; - 2004年作为重要学术研究成果第二主持人,其项目《中国山水画专业教学建设、改革成果》获得辽宁省教育厅颁发的省级教学成果一等奖,《中国山水画专业教学课程》被评为省级精品课;
- 1999年中国画《英烈千秋》(合作)获“百年中华英烈颂”艺术大展特别奖;
- 1994年中国画《悠悠叶尔乌河》入选第八届全国美展;
- 1991年中国画《打回老家去》(合作)获“纪念九•一八事变60周年中国画展”银奖;
- 1984年中国画《海花》入选第六届全国美展;